Working with the indigenous teachers: starting archaeology.
General concepts, archaeology in the Tumuc-Humac, basic research techniques (including mapping with the use of GPS).
Carlos Moreira, The Great Brazilian Ethnohistorian
My second friend to remember is Carlos de Araujo Moreira Neto, a native of Viçosa, in Minas Gerais state, a journalist as a young man, an unwilling bachelor in law, and the greatest ethnohistorian in Brazil. Carlos had friends in many different intellectual...
Novidades Na Biblioteca "antroposimetrica"
Foram postados os seguintes textos na biblioteca "antroposimetrica" (veja no link ao lado): A Relativistic Account of Einstein's Relativity - B. Latour Technical Work and Critical Inquiry: investigation in a Scientific Laboratory - M. Lynch Random...
Novidades Na Biblioteca Antroposimetrica
Environmentalism Brazil: Between Domestic Identity and Response to International Challenges - Alonso & Clémençon Indigenous People and Conservation - J. Alcorn Indigenous Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation - F. Berkes Biodiversity Datadiversity...
The flight from Macapá International Airport to the Mission Village, in the Tumuc-Humac Indigenous Land. This is the only (and expensive) way to arrive there... The Paroo Savanna is surrounded by a dense and large belt of rainforest. The Mission...
Pedras E Calendários 5
Alguns sítios com eventuais notações calendáricas, no divisor de águas Amazonas-Caribe. Referidos no artigo: BOOMERT, A. (1981) - The Taruma Phase of Southern Suriname. Archaeology and Anthropology, 4, n. 1 e 2, p, 104-157. 143 ?...situated...