

Working with the indigenous teachers: starting archaeology.
General concepts, archaeology in the Tumuc-Humac, basic research techniques (including mapping with the use of GPS).


- Carlos Moreira, The Great Brazilian Ethnohistorian
My second friend to remember is Carlos de Araujo Moreira Neto, a native of Viçosa, in Minas Gerais state, a journalist as a young man, an unwilling bachelor in law, and the greatest ethnohistorian in Brazil. Carlos had friends in many different intellectual...

- Novidades Na Biblioteca "antroposimetrica"
Foram postados os seguintes textos na biblioteca "antroposimetrica" (veja no link ao lado): A Relativistic Account of Einstein's Relativity - B. Latour Technical Work and Critical Inquiry: investigation in a Scientific Laboratory - M. Lynch Random...

- Novidades Na Biblioteca Antroposimetrica
Environmentalism Brazil: Between Domestic Identity and Response to International Challenges - Alonso & Clémençon Indigenous People and Conservation - J. Alcorn Indigenous Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation - F. Berkes Biodiversity Datadiversity...

- Tumuc-humac
The flight from Macapá International Airport to the Mission Village, in the Tumuc-Humac Indigenous Land. This is the only (and expensive) way to arrive there... The Paroo Savanna is surrounded by a dense and large belt of rainforest. The Mission...

- Pedras E Calendários 5
Alguns sítios com eventuais notações calendáricas, no divisor de águas Amazonas-Caribe. Referidos no artigo: BOOMERT, A. (1981) - The Taruma Phase of Southern Suriname. Archaeology and Anthropology, 4, n. 1 e 2, p, 104-157. 143 ?...situated...

