Novidades na Biblioteca "Antroposimetrica"

Novidades na Biblioteca "Antroposimetrica"

Foram postados os seguintes textos na biblioteca "antroposimetrica" (veja no link ao lado):

A Relativistic Account of Einstein's Relativity - B. Latour
Technical Work and Critical Inquiry: investigation in a Scientific Laboratory - M. Lynch
Random Walk Models for the Spyke Activity of a Single Neuron - Mandelbrot
The Evolution and Structure of Science and Technology in Sri Lanka - Amaradasa e Silva
Tunisian Science in Search of Legitimacy - Sno
The Capacity for innovation and the Trajectory of the Indian IT Industry - Sridharan
Cartography and Science in Early Modern Europe: mapping the construction of knowledge spaces - Turnbull
Geopolítica da Amazônia - B. Becker
A Fumaça do Metal: História e Representações do Contato entre os Yanomami - B. Albert
Multilingualism in the Northwest Amazon - A. P. Sorensen
Recent Ethnography of Indigenous Northern Lowland South America - J. Jackson
A preliminary study of space and time perspective in Northern Colombia - Reichel-Dolmatoff
O que é ecologia de paisagens - J. P. Metzger
Biopiratas e Biocolonialistas - O. C. Sáez
The Possession of Kuru: Medical Science and Biocolonial Exchange - W. Anderson


- The Crisis Of Science - Edmund Husserl
"It was not always the case that science understood its demand for rigorously grounded truth in the sense of the sort of objectivity which dominantes our positive sciences in respect to method and which, having its effect far beyond the sciences themselves,...

- "science Never Proves Anything" - G. Bateson
"Science sometimes improves hypotheses and sometimes disproves them. But proof would be another matter and perhaps never occurs except in the realms of totally abstract tautology. We can sometimes say that if such and such abstract suppositions or...

- T. Ingold - Phenomenology & Science
"From a phenomenological standpoint, by contrast, the world emerges with its properties alongside the emergence of the perceiver in person, against the background of involved activity. Since the person is a being-in-the-world, the coming-in-to-being of...

- Novidades Na Biblioteca "antroposimetrica"
After Nature: steps to an antiessentialist political ecology - A. Escobar Arte, Percepção e Conhecimento - o "ver", o "ouvir" e o "Complexo das Flautas Sagradas nas Terras Baixas da América do Sul - Rafael J. de Menezes Bastos A tradução da cultura:...

- Novidades Na Biblioteca Antroposimetrica
Environmentalism Brazil: Between Domestic Identity and Response to International Challenges - Alonso & Clémençon Indigenous People and Conservation - J. Alcorn Indigenous Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation - F. Berkes Biodiversity Datadiversity...

