Pedras e calendários 5

Pedras e calendários 5

Alguns sítios com eventuais notações calendáricas, no divisor de águas Amazonas-Caribe.

Referidos no artigo:

BOOMERT, A. (1981) - The Taruma Phase of Southern Suriname. Archaeology and Anthropology, 4, n. 1 e 2, p, 104-157.

?...situated on the NW slope of the Makatu mountain, to the N of a cave in which Goodland (1976) found many petroglyphs. It consists of a row of some 30 stones.?

?Hurault, Frenay and Raoux (1963) found a number of stone alignments on top of a granite outcrop in the Mitaraka Massif , near the source of the Litani (Italy) in French Guiana. (?) Two small circles were associated as well as 13 figures constructed of small stones arraged in the form of human beings and animals.?

?Stone alignments are reported from the coastal region of the Territory of Amapá. (?) One site is composed of 18 stones, arranged to form a ca. 5m-long row?. (Meggers and Evans, 1957)


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