Vibrant. v.8 n.2 | 07?12/2011
Cover and credits
Feminist Letters
Mariza Corrêa
abstract | resumo
Érase una vez en Taracuá? Sobre el origen del mundo - tradición cristiana, teoría científica y pensamiento indígena
Gilton Mendes dos Santos
abstract | resumo | resumen
Your ID, please? The Henry Gates vs. James Crowley Event from an Anthropological Perspective
Mariza Peirano
abstract | resumo
Guest Editors: Marcio Ferreira da Silva, Adriana Piscitelli
Marcio Ferreira da Silva, Adriana Piscitelli
Compadrio in Rural Brazil: Structural Analysis of a Ritual Institution
Antonio A. Arantes
abstract | resumo
Perspectives théoriques dans l?étude de la Famille, de l?enfance et de la parenté : Un regard à partir de la comparaison entre adoption et P.M.A.
Débora Allebrandt
abstract | resumé | resumo
Les coparentalités entre gays et lesbiennes en France: le point de vue des pères
Flávio Luiz Tarnovski
abstract | resumo | resumé
The weave of kinship and the ever-mobile fishing village of Barra de Ararapira (Superagüi Island, Guaraqueçaba, Paraná, Brazil)
Juliane Bazzo
abstract | resumo
?Making Families?: Child mobility and familiar organization in Cape Verde
Andréa Lobo
abstract | resumo
Kinship and Differentialities: Alternatives to Identity and to Ethnic Frontiers in The Study of Migrations
Igor José de Renó Machado
abstract | resumo
Weaving Relatives: Elopement and Kinship in a Southern Brazilian Community
Juliana P. Lima Caruso
abstract | resumo
Blood and Other Substances: New Reproductive Technologies and Adoption in Popular Groups in Southern Brazil
Pedro Nascimento
abstract | resumo
Families, Nations and Generations in Women?s International Migration
Parry Scott
abstract | resumo
The De-Kinning of Birthmothers: Reflections on Maternity and Being Human
Claudia Fonseca
abstract | resumo
Marriage Between ?Close Relatives?: Considerations about Kinship Between the Guarani Nhandéva on Western Paraná
Jovane Gonçalves dos Santos
abstract | resumo
From Socio-politics to Kinship Dynamics Among the Kaingang
Cinthia Creatini da Rocha
abstract | resumo
Pós-Dradiviano Sateré-Mawé: parentesco y rituales de afinabiliadad
Gabriel O. Alvarez
abstract | resumo | resumen
Creating Affinity: Formal Friendship and Matrimonial Alliances Among the Jê People and the Apinaje Case
Odair Giraldin
abstract | resumo
Kinship Studies in Brazil
Roque de Barros Laraia
Guest Editors: Gilberto Velho e Karina Kuschnir
Gilberto Velho & Karina Kuschnir
Urban Narrators: Ruth Cardoso
Ana Luiza Carvalho da Rocha e Cornelia Eckert
abstract | resumo
Urban Narrators: Eunice Durham
Ana Luiza Carvalho da Rocha e Cornelia Eckert
abstract | resumo
Urban Anthropology: Interdisciplinarity and Boundaries of Knowledge
Gilberto Velho
abstract | resumo
Brazilians in Lisbon: Immigrant Association and the Meaning of Urban Spaces
Alessandra Siqueira Barreto
abstract | resumo
Pioneers and Entrepreneurs: Bio/Ethnographic Notes Towards an Anthropology of Urban Growth
Cristina Patriota de Moura
abstract | resumo
The Experience of Pregnancy: Subjectivity and Social Relations
Claudia Barcellos Rezende
abstract | resumo
Networks and Territorialities: an ethnographic approach to the so-called cracolândia [?crackland?] in São Paulo
Heitor Frúgoli Jr., Enrico Spaggiari
abstract | resumo
Architecture Inside Out: Urban Transformations Through the Perception of Demolition Engineers
Alberto Goyena
abstract | resumo
Drawing the City: a proposal for an ethnographic study in Rio de Janeiro
Karina Kuschnir
abstract | resumo