There is no guidebook to science... Bateson

There is no guidebook to science... Bateson

"In the nature of the case, an explorer can never know what he is exploring until it has been explored. He carries no Baedeker in his pocket, no guidebook which will tell him which churches he should visit or at which hotels he should stay. He has only the ambiguous folklore of others who have passed that way. No doubt deeper levels of the mind guide the scientist or the artist toward experiences and thoughts which are relevant to those problems which are somehow his, and this guidance seems to operate long before the scientist has any conscious knowlwdge of his goals. But how this happens we do not know"

Gregory Bateson - Steps to an Ecology of Mind  


- Organismo + Ambiente - Gregory Bateson
?"A unidade fundamental da sobrevivência é organismo+ambiente e não organismo Vs. ambiente. Quando percebemos isso, as nossas noções de adaptação e propósito mudam radicalmente" - Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) FOTOS:...

- The Crisis Of Science - Edmund Husserl
"It was not always the case that science understood its demand for rigorously grounded truth in the sense of the sort of objectivity which dominantes our positive sciences in respect to method and which, having its effect far beyond the sciences themselves,...

- Objectivity - Lorraine Daston & Peter Galison
"Scientific objectivity has a history. Objectivity has not always defined science. Nor is objectivity the same as truth or certainty, and it is younger than both. Objectivity preserves the artifact or variation that would have been erased in the name...

- "science Never Proves Anything" - G. Bateson
"Science sometimes improves hypotheses and sometimes disproves them. But proof would be another matter and perhaps never occurs except in the realms of totally abstract tautology. We can sometimes say that if such and such abstract suppositions or...

- Heidegger - Descartes & Subjetividade
"He began by doubting everything, but this doubt finally did run into something that could no longer be doubted, for, inasmuch as the doubter doubts, he cannot doubt that he is present and must be present in order to doubt at all. As I doubt I must...

