Novidades na Biblioteca Antroposimétrica!

Novidades na Biblioteca Antroposimétrica!

Novos Textos Foram disponibilizados na biblioteca antroposimétrica (acessar no link ao lado):

Indigenous Knowledge and western science: the possibility of dialogue - Bala e Joseph
Humains et non-humains: un bilan d'etape de la sociologie des collectifs - Barbier e Trepos
The fractal Geometry of Mandelbrot - Anthony Barcellos
The Politics of Technology - Marc Berg
Fractal Dimension of Landscapes - Burrough
Scince, Nationalism, and colonial contestation: hindu chemistry - Chakraborty
Sciences sociales et lutte nationale dans le territoires ocuupés palestiniens - V. Romani
Merton's Contribution to the sociology of science - Stephen Cole
The Fold - Deleuze e J. Strauss
The Image of Objectivity - L. Daston e P. Galison
How Inevitable are the Results of Successful Science? - Ian Hacking
Why "Bitter Cassava? Productivity of "Bitter" and "Sweet" Cassava in a Tukanian Indian Settlement in the Northwest Amazon - Wilson e Dufour
Os Cultivares de Mandioca na Área do Uaupés (Tukano) - J. Chernela
Phylogeography and the origin of Cassava: new insights from the northern rim of the Amazonian basin - Léotard et all.
Shamanism or Science? - Gottlieb e Borin
Os Tambores do Antropólogo: Antropologia Pós-Social e Etnografia - M. Goldman
Concrete Topographies - M. Strathern


- The Crisis Of Science - Edmund Husserl
"It was not always the case that science understood its demand for rigorously grounded truth in the sense of the sort of objectivity which dominantes our positive sciences in respect to method and which, having its effect far beyond the sciences themselves,...

- Objectivity - Lorraine Daston & Peter Galison
"Scientific objectivity has a history. Objectivity has not always defined science. Nor is objectivity the same as truth or certainty, and it is younger than both. Objectivity preserves the artifact or variation that would have been erased in the name...

- "science Never Proves Anything" - G. Bateson
"Science sometimes improves hypotheses and sometimes disproves them. But proof would be another matter and perhaps never occurs except in the realms of totally abstract tautology. We can sometimes say that if such and such abstract suppositions or...

- Confira As Novidades Na Biblioteca Antroposimétrica!
Foram disponibilizados para download os seguintes textos na biblioteca "antroposimétrica" (ver link ao lado): 81. Of Enemies and Pets: warfare and shamanism - C. Fausto 82. Censuras e Memórias da Pacificação Waimiri-Atroari - S. G. Baines 83. The...

- Novidades Na Biblioteca "antroposimetrica"
After Nature: steps to an antiessentialist political ecology - A. Escobar Arte, Percepção e Conhecimento - o "ver", o "ouvir" e o "Complexo das Flautas Sagradas nas Terras Baixas da América do Sul - Rafael J. de Menezes Bastos A tradução da cultura:...

