Bateson - "Body-in-the-environment"
"We commonly think of the external 'physical world' as somehow separate from an internal 'mental world'. I believe that this division is based on the contrast in coding and transmission inside and outside the body. (...)In considering units of evolution, I argued that you have at each step to include the complete pathways outside the protoplasmic aggregate, be it DNA-in-the-cell, or cell-in-the-body, or body-in-the-environment. The hierarchic structure is not new. Formerly we talked about the breeding individual or the family line or the taxon, and so on. Now each step of the hierarchy is to be thought of as
a system, instead of a chunk cut off and visualized
as against the surrounding matrix. (...) It is the attempt
to separate intellect from
emotion that is monstrous - and dangerous - to attempt to separate the external mind from the internal. Or to separate mind from body".
Gregory Bateson - Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Metalogue: Why A Swan? - Bateson
"Daughter: why a swan? Father: Yes - and why a puppet in Petroushka? D: No - that's different. After all a puppet is sort of human - and that particular puppet is very human. F: More human then people? D: Yes. F: But still only sort of human? And...
Organismo + Ambiente - Gregory Bateson
?"A unidade fundamental da sobrevivência é organismo+ambiente e não organismo Vs. ambiente. Quando percebemos isso, as nossas noções de adaptação e propósito mudam radicalmente" - Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) FOTOS:...
Ontologia Política Em Mol
?(?) an object that is hidden underneath the skin. An object that may be approached in various ways, that shows a variety of aspects, but that in the end is one. There it is, and suddenly is no longer seems to be a part of practice, but a referent in...
Being-in-the-world - Heidegger
?Our method has already been assigned. The theme of our analytic is to be Being-in-the-world, and accordingly the very world itself; and these are to be considered within the horizon of average everydayness ? the kind of Being which is closest to Dasein....
T. Ingold - Phenomenology & Science
"From a phenomenological standpoint, by contrast, the world emerges with its properties alongside the emergence of the perceiver in person, against the background of involved activity. Since the person is a being-in-the-world, the coming-in-to-being of...